Why the Circular Economy Needs Systems Thinking
There has been a steady growth in interest in actioning a circular economy, which is critical to us living sustainability on this beautiful planet we all share. But in order to achieve a transition from the current linear, polluting and wasteful economy to a circular and sustainable one, a systems thinking approach is fundamental.
Meet 16 Startups Leading the Circular Economy Transformation
The circular economy transformation is seeking to remedy unintended consequences and negative externalities like pollution, waste, ecosystem destruction and resource loss that our current linear economy creates. It’s a global movement, and these 16 startups show the many different ways that circular business models can be implemented.
How do ESG and Sustainability Fit Together?
People just can’t help but adopt new acronyms, and ESG is one that we first started to hear more prominently around 8 years ago. Since then, it’s made quite an impact with detractors and evangelists alike. In this article, we cover the history, arguments and evolution of ESG and question its relationship to sustainability.